My Road to Freedom

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:

I have paid off another $600 of debt!  My debt-free date is now 1 month earlier!

The Bad:

My soon-to-be ex refused to sign the quick and easy version of the divorce papers.  The one I paid $250 for.  The one where we would have joint custody of our daughter.  The one where he would still have her every weekend and half the summer.  The one where he would only have to pay current child support, and I'd forgive the back support he hasn't paid in almost 3 years.

The Ugly:

I am retaining an attorney for a $2500 flat-fee.  This attorney will see to it that I get sole physical and legal custody of our daughter, with her dad getting supervised visitation twice a month.  He will also see that I am paid my almost 3 years of back child support.  The really ugly - it could cost me upwards of $10,000 to reach that point, assuming it goes to trial.  Assuming my ex doesn't fight hard.  Assuming he doesn't find a sharkier attorney than mine. 
Why couldn't he have just signed the damn divorce papers??  Bastard.