My Road to Freedom

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is the BFD about Sam???

Ok, seriously! I could not be more befuddled by all this chaos and controversy about Portland Mayor Sam Adams. Yeah, he lied. Who hasn't? He was blindsided by a complete tool and did what most people do in that situation. Being a politician doesn't somehow make him less human!
And what was up with that Salem-esque press conference?? C'mon, people! How would you feel if you had to share intimate details of your sex life with millions of people? I'm sorry, but that was way more Karma than he deserved.
And why does lying about your sex life make you any less trust-worthy when it comes to city politics? Why don't we go around to all the commissioners and ask who they've been with, when, and how old their partners were? I'm sure we'd get honest answers. Yeah. Whatever.
I, for one, am glad Sam didn't resign. I'm glad he chose to stand and fight and prove he's learned his lesson. And for all the haters - who have you slept with lately?
Yeah, didn't think so.