My Road to Freedom

Watch my snowball roll here!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's been forever!!

Like, whoa! I totally forgot I had this, to be honest. So much has happened in the past year. The biggest thing is Maddie turned 1! I can't believe my lil preemie is 17 months old already. Where has all the time gone? She's a spunky toddler now, full of sass like her mom and charm like her dad. She's the best of both of us. I <3 her!

Dakota has been struggling more. She was recently diagnosed with ADHD and has been struggling with depression and anxiety. Through her wonderful therapist, we are starting to see our Koti again. Her witty humor and sweet generosity are emerging from the fog and I realize how much I missed her. She and I will always have a special bond that no one else can touch. We are now in a sea of appointments - urologist, psychologist, pediatrician, optometrist and soon to be physical therapy and a behavioral optometrist (who knew there was such a thing?). I can barely keep it all straight, and if it weren't for the iPhone, I'd be completely lost. What did I ever do without that thing?

Matt and I are doing well. We are working on getting ourselves out of debt, with the guidance of Dave Ramsey. We have so many dreams and plans for the future, and I really want to be able to acheive them. I will be posting progress (hopefully more triumphs than tribulations!). You can watch me roll my snowball larger and larger until it gobbles up all my debt!