My Road to Freedom

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Monday, April 5, 2010

... on ADHD

A term I thought only applied to other people's kids.  Certainly not mine.  Of course, I didn't think Epilepsy, Tethered-Cord Syndrome, or Spina Bifida would apply to my kid either.  Apparently, I have one of those kids that has everything you think your kid will never get.  Strife seems to be Dakota's lot in life. 

After seeing a child psychologist for a few weeks for depression, anxiety and some psychosomatic complaints, Dakota was diagnosed with ADHD.  So now there's a whole new swirl of information to learn and assimilate.  The "rules" of parenting and behavior don't apply to ADHD kids.  So all our efforts to parent her have been for naught.  We are learning about "Behavior Modification" and the "Chip System".  This system seems really straight forward, but it takes a lot of time and attention on our parts to keep it working.  Like, every waking minute we have to be alert for the ways she's earned chips, dole them out immediately, and find time for the rewards.  It's like a part-time job of its own.  While it is working well,  I feel like I can't even relax at home anymore; I always have to be on lookout for rewardable moments.  Not that I could really relax before anyway, with all the chaos that she was in. 

I am actually looking forward to the prescription appointment so she can get on meds.  Flame me if you will, but if it keeps our family sane, then I'm all for giving her drugs.  It can't be any worse than it has been.  And if it helps her focus at school and during homework, then how can that be bad? 

IDK... I just want a solution.  To this, to all of it.  And for my girl to not have to struggle anymore.